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Latest revision as of 12:02, 2 May 2014

  1. General Policies
    1. GlueX running periods are supervised by a Run Coordinator (RC) who is responsible for day-to-day and week-to-week operations. A RC serves for at least two weeks at a time.
    2. GlueX shifts are manned by two people at all times, one shift Expert (or "Leader") and one shift Worker. Expert shifts are recommended to start at 00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 and worker shifts start at 04:00, 12:00 and 20:00.
    3. Each collaborating institution has a contact person responsible for filling all shifts assigned to that institution. The assigned shifts to an institution are evenly distributed over the different day and night shifts. The method for choosing shift personnel is left to the discretion of the contact person and his or her institution, but must conform to the overall guidelines described here.
    4. This by-law only deals with general shift-taking concerned with experimental data-taking. It does not deal with specialized shift-taking concerned with a particular detector or software element, nor with any other activity performed by collaboration members in fulfillment of their MOU's or physics program.
    5. This general policy is subject to change for engineering runs.
  2. Shift Taker's Qualifications and Conduct of Operations
    1. All "Expert" and "Worker" shift takers must meet certain criteria itemized here. In addition, anyone participating in data taking with GlueX must have a level of safety and radiation training described in the GlueX "Conduct of Operations" (COO) document. It provides an authoritative discussion of shift operations, including the duties and responsibilities of the shift Expert and the shift Worker.
    2. "Experts": The list of expert shift takers who can act as shift leaders is determined by the Physics Division Liaison (PDL) by the Hall D/collaboration leadership, who which is responsible for the safe and effective operation of the system. Experts must be members of GlueX. Expert status implies experience in running GlueX shifts, not necessarily expert knowledge of hardware and software components of the system. The shift expert serves as the shift leader.
    3. "Workers": All members of the GlueX Collaboration are eligible for worker shifts. Non-members, including new graduate students, may be assigned shifts by the institutional contact persons supervising the filling of the shift schedule. Undergraduate students may not be assigned shifts without prior approval of the PDL. By assigning shifts to non-members, an institution's contact person is certifying that the persons so assigned will have met the Worker shift taker's requirements by the time the shift starts.
    4. Prior to taking his or her first-ever scheduled shift, a person must be an observer on at least one shift in order to become familiar with procedures and (typically) to finish reading the required documents listed in the COO.
    5. Oral communication skills that enable effective communication with the accelerator staff are required for shift leaders. The PDL must be satisfied that any given shift leading expert has adequate language skills.
  3. Shift Scheduling and Shift Counting
    1. At six month intervals, the The collaboration Shift Scheduler will revise the membership list of the collaboration maintained by the Collaboration Board (CB) at each collaboration meeting. Shifts will be assigned in 4 day blocks to all member institutions in proportion to their number of members.
    2. Each member of GlueX is expected to take shifts. The minimum number of shifts required per year is one half the average number of shifts per person that need to be covered by the Collaboration. [Example: during a 240-day year of running, there are 1440 shifts. If the collaboration has 120 members, the minimum number per person is (1440/120)*.5 = 6.0 --> 6 shifts]. Training shifts do not count as shifts and are the responsibility of the individual/institution to qualify to take shifts.
    3. A shift-trading period will be organized under the leadership of by the Shift Scheduler to allow foreign, domestic, and local institutions to optimize their periods of shift-taking responsibility to their needs.
    4. The activity of the RC "counts" toward the shift responsibilities for the RC's institution at the rate of one shift per day.
    5. Any persons added to an institution's list of Worker shift takers by the institution's contact person will NOT thereby automatically become members of the GlueX collaboration. For example, new graduate students who are assigned shifts are not thereby made members of GlueX.
    6. The PDL has the authority to reject a person for a shift if he or she thinks that the person is unqualified. The relevant institution then has responsibility for finding a suitable replacement.
    7. If a shift goes unfilled, either by no-show or no-qualify, the incident will be brought to the attention of the Collaboration Board for possible action, such as removing institutional shift credits.
    8. Under exceptional circumstances, the shift scheduling and shift counting for an institution will be revised by Hall D/collaboration leadership.

Zisis' reorganization of bullets 2 and 3

  1. Shift Taker's Qualifications and Conduct of Operations
    1. All "Expert" and "Worker" shift takers must meet certain criteria itemized here. Prior to taking his or her first-ever scheduled shift, a person must be an observer on at least one shift in order to become familiar with procedures and (typically) to finish reading the required documents listed in the COO. In addition, anyone participating in data taking with GlueX must have a level of safety and radiation training described in the GlueX "Conduct of Operations" (COO) document. It provides an authoritative discussion of shift operations, including the duties and responsibilities of the shift Expert and the shift Worker.
    2. "Experts": The list of expert shift takers who can act as shift leaders is determined by the Physics Division Liaison (PDL) by the Hall D/collaboration leadership, who which is responsible for the safe and effective operation of the system. Experts must be members of GlueX. Expert status implies experience in running GlueX shifts, not necessarily expert knowledge of hardware and software components of the system. The shift expert serves as the shift leader. Oral communication skills that enable effective communication with the accelerator staff are required for shift leaders. The PDL must be satisfied that any given shift leading expert has adequate language skills.
    3. "Workers": All members of the GlueX Collaboration are eligible for worker shifts. Non-members, including new graduate students, may be assigned shifts by the institutional contact persons supervising the filling of the shift schedule. Undergraduate students may not be assigned shifts without prior approval of the PDL. By assigning shifts to non-members, an institution's contact person is certifying that the persons so assigned will have met the Worker shift taker's requirements by the time the shift starts.
  2. Shift Scheduling and Shift Counting
    1. At six month intervals, the The collaboration Shift Scheduler will revise the membership list of the collaboration maintained by the Collaboration Board (CB) at each collaboration meeting.
    2. Shifts will be assigned in 4 day blocks to all member institutions in proportion to their number of members. A shift-trading period will be organized under the leadership of by the Shift Scheduler to allow foreign, domestic, and local institutions to optimize their periods of shift-taking responsibility to their needs.
    3. Each member of GlueX is expected to take shifts. The minimum number of shifts required per year is one half the average number of shifts per person that need to be covered by the Collaboration. [Example: during a 240-day year of running, there are 1440 shifts. If the collaboration has 120 members, the minimum number per person is (1440/120)*.5 = 6.0 --> 6 shifts]. Training shifts do not count as shifts and are the responsibility of the individual/institution to qualify to take shifts.
    4. The PDL has the authority to reject a person for a shift if he or she thinks that the person is unqualified. The relevant institution then has responsibility for finding a suitable replacement.
    5. The activity of the RC "counts" toward the shift responsibilities for the RC's institution at the rate of one shift per day.
    6. Any persons added to an institution's list of Worker shift takers by the institution's contact person will NOT thereby automatically become members of the GlueX collaboration. [Example: new graduate students who are assigned shifts are not thereby made members of GlueX].
    7. If a shift goes unfilled, either by no-show or no-qualify, the incident will be brought to the attention of the Collaboration Board for possible action, such as removing institutional shift credits.
    8. Under exceptional circumstances, the shift scheduling and shift counting for an institution will be revised by Hall D/collaboration leadership.