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== Statement-of-Work for the engineering design of the Hall-D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system ==
== Statement of Work for the engineering design of the Hall-D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system ==
''Draft v.2 (11/07/07)''
This statement-of-work is to develop detailed engineering drawings and all required material calculations for the Hall-D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system based on the design goals stated in version 4 of 5/7/07 of the document titled “Hall D Tagged Photon Spectrometer: Technical Description and Specification” [1] and the conceptual design drawings provided by Jefferson Lab, University of Glasgow [2], and Institute for High Energy Physics in Moscow [3].  
This Statement of Work is to develop detailed engineering drawings and all required material calculations for the Hall D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system based on the design goals stated in version 4 of 5/7/07 of the document entitled “Hall-D Tagged Photon Spectrometer: Technical Description and Specification” [1] and the conceptual design drawings (on the 35% level) provided the Institute for High Energy Physics in Moscow [2].  
The scope of this statement-of-work will be detailed in the following section. The separation of engineering design and fabrication is required according to the procurement rules of the U.S. Department of Energy. The contractor for this statement-of-work is allowed to bid for the contract to manufacture the system.
The Hall-D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system includes the following parts:
A clear separation between the engineering design and fabrication of this magnet system is required. Jefferson Lab’s working assumption is that the results of this project will become the subject of a competitive, fixed price award to manufacture the system. The subcontractor selected to perform the work herein will not be precluded from bidding for the subcontract to manufacture the system, but this is not a requirement. Jefferson Lab reserves the right to use the deliverables under this SOW either all or in part in the preparation of documents that may become public information as part of a Jefferson Lab procurement, excluding clearly identified Proprietary Data as described below.  The subcontractor shall avoid including proprietary data or processes that could unfairly restrict competition in the Stage 3 deliverable (complete detailed engineering design).
a) Two dipole magnets including coils and cooling system
'''Proprietary Data'''
b) Vacuum box including flanges for thin windows and external supporting structures
Jefferson Lab will protect specific content items in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 deliverables under this SOW that are clearly identified as proprietary data or processes.
Data or processes that are in common use, published in open literature or otherwise widely known will not be considered proprietary.
c) Quadrupole magnet including coils and table support
The scope of this statement of work will be detailed in the following sections.
d) Strongback support structure for the dipoles and the fixed-array hodoscope. The design of the hodoscope is not part of this contract.
The Hall-D tagging magnets and vacuum chamber system includes the following parts:
# Two dipole magnets including coils and cooling system
The engineering design shall be performed in in three stages: (i) stage 1 recalls the requested collection of drawings that were required for the conceptual design including modifications requested on and afer the tagger design review on 30/4/07 [3]. (ii) Stage 2 requests a detailed design on the 65% level including stress calculations, (iii) stage 3 asks for detailed drawings of all parts of the system such that these design drawings can directly be used to manufacture the parts.
# Vacuum box including flanges for thin windows and external supporting structures
# Quadrupole magnet including coils and table support
# Strongback support structure for the dipole magnets.
# Thin window attached vacuum tight to the tagger focal plane
A finite elements analysis has to be performed for all parts that are subjected to strong magnetic forces and/or connected to the vacuum box. The goal is in particular an optimization of the number and position of fasteners (bolts and brackets) holding the magnet yokes and pole shoes and vacuum box in place as well as the rib structure for stiffening the vacuum box. The design drawings for dipole magnets shall include two versions: (i) upper and lower magnet yokes made out of one single piece each, (ii) upper and lower magnet yokes assembled out of steel plates.
The engineering design shall be performed in three stages.  Stage 1 collects all of drawings that were produced for the 35% conceptual design and applies to them the revisions that were requested when these drawings were reviewed at Jefferson Lab in May, 2007 (see Addendum). Stage 2 entails a detailed design on the 65% level, including mechanical stress and magnetic field uniformity calculations. In stage 3, detailed drawings of all parts of the system are produced, such that these design drawings can directly be used to manufacture the parts.  
The drawing model has to be provided in 3-dimensional form, layout and detail drawings can be performed in 2-dimensional form using a professional CAD program.
A finite element analysis (FEA) must be performed for all parts that are subjected to strong forces.  In particular, the goal of this analysis is to optimize the number and position of fasteners (bolts and brackets) holding the magnet yokes, pole shoes and vacuum box in place, and to optimize the rib structure which stiffens the vacuum box. The design drawings for the dipole magnets shall assume the upper and lower magnet yokes consisting of one single piece of iron each.
Input files used for stress analysis, FEA programs or field calculations have to be provided in electronic form. Jefferson Lab will provide a numbering scheme in order to include the drawings into their database. Further details concerning interfacing with Jefferson Lab’s designing scheme will be provided.
The magnetic field calculations of the quadrupole and two-dipole magnet system performed at the University of Glasgow shall be used to calculate the forces and to define machining and fabrication tolerances for the magnets and support structure. If additional calculations are needed, these should be requested along with the revised list of drawings that need to be produced.
Calculations of the magnetic field in the quadrupole and two dipole magnets are required in order to complete the stress analysis.  The contractor may chose to carry out these magnetic field calculations independently or may rely on the University of Glasgow to compute the magnetic fields based upon models provided by the contractor.  The results of the stress analysis will be the basis for defining the machining and fabrication tolerances for the magnets and support structures.
This statement-of-work requires deliverables in 6 stages. Detailed discussions between designers and Jefferson Lab personnel / Hall-D collaborators are required at every stage, including monthly phone conferences and quarterly reviews of the design process. The transfer of funds for the ongoing design will be bound to the successful completion of each design stage.
The drawing models must be produced in 3-dimensional form using a professional CAD program. Layout and detail drawings will be in 2-dimensional form generated from the 3-dimensional models whenever possible. Input files used for stress analysis and field calculations must be delivered in electronic form. Jefferson Lab will provide a numbering scheme to facilitate their inclusion into the Hall-D design database. Further details concerning interfacing with Jefferson Lab’s designing scheme will be provided.
'''Stage 1 – evaluation of conceptual design drawings'''
This statement of work requires that deliverables be received and approved in three separate stages.  In order to ensure that work remains on track, monthly phone conferences between designers and Jefferson Lab personnel / Hall-D collaborators are required.
These meetings, together with the review and approval process at the completion of each contract stage, will be coordinated by a Tagger Design Coordinator to be designated by the Hall-D group leader. The work on each stage must not begin until the deliverables from the previous stage have been received and approval granted by the coordinator.  The transfer of funds for the ongoing design will follow upon this approval.
The envisioned due dates for deliverables are:
# 8 weeks from signing of contract for completion of stage 1;
# 8 weeks from approval of stage 1 for completion of stage 2;
# 14 weeks from approval of stage 2 for completion of stage 3.
Upon delivery the drawings will be reviewed by Jefferson Lab personnel / Hall-D Collaborators and reported to the contractor within less than four weeks. The due date for the completion of stage 2 is not negotiable due to an external DOE review in summer 2008 (22nd - 24th of July).
This assessment includes a list of design drawings, which are part of the conceptual design. Full compliance with the specifications described in reference [1] and the results of the review of this stage are mandatory for further progress. The drawings have to show how internal key alignment parameters are transferred to external coordinates that are to be used for surveying the setup.
'''Stage 1 – Revision of conceptual design drawings'''
1. Top level drawings of complete system including quadrupole, two dipole magnets, vacuum system and strong-back support.
This revision entails the collection and assessment of the drawings produced for the 35% conceptual design [2] in the light of the Hall D tagger specification [1].  Full compliance with the specifications described in reference [1] and the revisions, listed in the addendum, are mandatory for the completion of this stage.  
2. Vertical section through a dipole showing how the pole shoes and yoke parts fit together.
The following drawings are subject to this revision. The drawings can either be updated or generated new.
# Top level drawings of the complete tagging spectrometer system including quadrupole, two dipole magnets, vacuum system and strongback support.
# Vertical section through a dipole showing how the pole shoes and yoke parts fit together.
# Top view of a dipole showing the numbers, sizes and locations of the bolts required to hold the structure together.
# Individual drawings of the pole shoes, top and bottom yokes, and back yoke, showing details of bolt locations and tolerances on all dimensions.  Particular attention should be given to the tolerances on the relative alignment of the two dipoles and the vacuum-sealing lips on the vacuum chamber that mate to the pole shoes.
# Individual drawings of the pole shoes showing the placement of the vacuum tensioning brackets and the coil support brackets.
# Layout of the vacuum chamber showing how the top and bottom surfaces, the back wall and output flange are welded together. The input port, the photon beam exit pipe, and the main electron beam output ports shall be shown in their revised configuration.
# Detail drawings of the focal plane face and thin window
# Individual drawings of the top and bottom lids, and the back-wall of the vacuum chamber showing where the fixing holes for taking the vacuum tensioning brackets are located.
# Top and side view drawings of the quadrupole magnet and its table support.
# Top and side view drawings of the strongback support for the dipole magnets.
# Drawings showing progressive stages of assembly and disassembly of the dipole magnets and vacuum chamber system, including temporary features which maintain the required alignment during this sequence.
3. Top view of a dipole showing the numbers, sizes and locations of the bolts required to hold the structure together.
Jefferson Lab will provide the following information:
#conceptual design drawings (for the 35% level) provided by IHEP [2],
#interface drawing D00000-19-00-30001 specifying the following details
##Hall-D tagger building
##electron beam entry and exit ports
##photon beamline exit port
##Hodoscope attachment points
#Tagger specification document # D00000-19-00-S002
#JLAB drawing specification document # D00000-19-00-S001
4. Individual drawings for the pole shoes, top and bottom yokes and back yoke, showing details of bolt locations, flatness of surfaces and tolerances - including the vacuum sealing lips round the pole shoes, and pole profiles.
'''Stage 2 – Engineering design at the 65% level'''
5. Individual drawings of the pole shoes showing where the fixing holes for taking the vacuum tensioning brackets and the coil support brackets are located.
The engineering design of the dipole magnets shall be performed including FEA of the energized magnet.  Special care has to be taken for the pole shoe design, the attachment of the vacuum box, and torques on bolts such they are not overloaded. The design drawings for the dipole magnets shall assume that the upper and lower magnet yokes consist of one single piece of iron each.
6. Drawings showing the different types of brackets as required by further refinement of design. For example, the brackets which hold the dipole coils in position should extend over the top of the upper coils.
The engineering design of the vacuum box shall be performed including a FEA showing that the rib structure for stiffening the vacuum box is optimized to meet the specified requirements. Special attention should be paid to the degree of compression of the vacuum o-ring to ensure that it does not exceed the specified tolerances at any point during the assembly process or  in the final configuration under varying amounts of current in the coils.
7. Layout of vacuum chamber showing how top and bottom lids, back wall and output flange are welded together. The input port, the photon beam pipe, and main electron beam output ports shall also be shown.  
The drawings should show the markings on the pole shoes that are used to align them, and the procedure to be employed during assembly to transfer their coordinates to external references that enable the spectrometer to be properly positioned within the site-wide coordinate system in the tagger hall.  
8. Individual drawings of the top and bottom lids, and the back-wall of the vacuum chamber showing where the fixing holes for taking the vacuum tensioning brackets are located.
The engineering design of the quadrupole and strongback support structure shall be performed. The engineering design includes as well the table support for the quadrupole. A stress analysis must be performed to confirm that the strongback design is sufficiently rigid to maintain the required alignment of the magnets and vacuum chamber.
9. Top and side view drawings for the quadrupole magnet and its table support.
All drawings listed in previous section (Stage 1) shall be revised and supplemented to comply with alignment requirements and the results of the force calculations performed in this stage.  
10. Top and side view drawings for the strong back support for the dipole magnets and fixed-array hodoscope.
11. Drawings showing assembly and disassembly of magnet, including features which allow this sequence of activities. For example, tapped holes for attaching jacking supports to the dipole yokes for use in the assembly and disassembly of the dipoles have to be added.
'''Stage 2 – Engineering design at the 65% level'''
The engineering design of the dipole magnet shall be performed including FEA of the energized magnet. Special care has to be taken for the pole shoe design, the attachment of the vacuum box, and torques on bolts such they are not overloaded or stretched. The design drawings for the dipole magnets shall include two versions: (i) upper and lower magnet yokes made out of one single piece each, (ii) upper and lower magnet yokes assembled out of steel plates.
The engineering design of the vacuum box shall be performed including a finite element analysis showing that the rib structure for stiffening the vacuum box is optimized. Special care should be taken for the exact position of electron beam entry port, position and direction of the photon beam pipe, and the position of the exit port for the deflected primary electron beam.
The engineering design of the quadrupole and strongback support structure shall be performed. The engineering design include as well the table support for the quadrupole. The strong back support has to be extended in order to hold the support structure of the fixed-array hodoscope. A stress analysis has to be performed to confirm that the designed strongback allows to hold the magnets and vacuum chamber.
'''Stage 3 – Complete detailed engineering design'''
'''Stage 3 – Complete detailed engineering design'''
The complete engineering design of the Hall-D tagger magnet and vacuum chamber system shall be performed. The design drawings at this stage shall be directly used to manufacture the parts.  
The complete engineering design of the Hall D tagger magnet and vacuum chamber system shall be performed. The design drawings from this stage must be sufficiently detailed and accurate that a firm other than the design contractor could manufacture the system from these drawings with no further documentation.
The design contractor has to provide layout drawings of all individual pieces to be manufactured.
== References ==
[1] Hall_D_Tagger_Spec_v4.doc (gluex document 821) [[GlueX_tagger_specification]]
[1] Hall_D_Tagger_Spec_v4.doc (gluex document 821) [[GlueX_tagger_specification]]
[2] AutoCAD drawing: [[Preliminary_drawing_by_Yang]] and presentations.
[2] IHEP AutoCAD drawings [[35%_drawing_by_IHEP_provided_in_April/May_2007]]
== Addendum: Revisions to the IHEP drawings [2] ==
[3] IHEP AutoCAD drawings [[35%_drawing_by_IHEP_provided_in_April/May_2007]]
The following items were discussed upon review of the conceptual design drawings by IHEP and have to be corrected in the revision process (stage 1):
#The nominal height of the electron beam above the floor is 1.8m.
#Top and bottom magnet yokes consist of a single piece of iron each.
#The electron beam entry flange has to be positioned correctly.
#The electron beam exit has to be moved 0.45m downstream. To this end, the vacuum chamber has to be extended by this length.
#The electron beam exit flange has to be a large rectangular shape of 5cm height and 20cm width expanding towards the focal plane (see interface drawing)
#The exit pipe for the photon beam has to follow exactly the direction of the incident electron beampipe. The photon beam pipe is directly connected to the vacuum chamber (no window).
#The gap between vacuum chamber and pole shoes has to be sufficiently large to ensure the proper placement and contraction of the sealing o-ring.
#The pole shoes should have rounded edges.

Latest revision as of 18:30, 10 December 2007

Statement of Work for the engineering design of the Hall-D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system


This Statement of Work is to develop detailed engineering drawings and all required material calculations for the Hall D Tagging Magnets and Vacuum Chamber system based on the design goals stated in version 4 of 5/7/07 of the document entitled “Hall-D Tagged Photon Spectrometer: Technical Description and Specification” [1] and the conceptual design drawings (on the 35% level) provided the Institute for High Energy Physics in Moscow [2].

A clear separation between the engineering design and fabrication of this magnet system is required. Jefferson Lab’s working assumption is that the results of this project will become the subject of a competitive, fixed price award to manufacture the system. The subcontractor selected to perform the work herein will not be precluded from bidding for the subcontract to manufacture the system, but this is not a requirement. Jefferson Lab reserves the right to use the deliverables under this SOW either all or in part in the preparation of documents that may become public information as part of a Jefferson Lab procurement, excluding clearly identified Proprietary Data as described below. The subcontractor shall avoid including proprietary data or processes that could unfairly restrict competition in the Stage 3 deliverable (complete detailed engineering design).

Proprietary Data

Jefferson Lab will protect specific content items in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 deliverables under this SOW that are clearly identified as proprietary data or processes. Data or processes that are in common use, published in open literature or otherwise widely known will not be considered proprietary.

The scope of this statement of work will be detailed in the following sections.

The Hall-D tagging magnets and vacuum chamber system includes the following parts:

  1. Two dipole magnets including coils and cooling system
  2. Vacuum box including flanges for thin windows and external supporting structures
  3. Quadrupole magnet including coils and table support
  4. Strongback support structure for the dipole magnets.
  5. Thin window attached vacuum tight to the tagger focal plane

The engineering design shall be performed in three stages. Stage 1 collects all of drawings that were produced for the 35% conceptual design and applies to them the revisions that were requested when these drawings were reviewed at Jefferson Lab in May, 2007 (see Addendum). Stage 2 entails a detailed design on the 65% level, including mechanical stress and magnetic field uniformity calculations. In stage 3, detailed drawings of all parts of the system are produced, such that these design drawings can directly be used to manufacture the parts.

A finite element analysis (FEA) must be performed for all parts that are subjected to strong forces. In particular, the goal of this analysis is to optimize the number and position of fasteners (bolts and brackets) holding the magnet yokes, pole shoes and vacuum box in place, and to optimize the rib structure which stiffens the vacuum box. The design drawings for the dipole magnets shall assume the upper and lower magnet yokes consisting of one single piece of iron each.

Calculations of the magnetic field in the quadrupole and two dipole magnets are required in order to complete the stress analysis. The contractor may chose to carry out these magnetic field calculations independently or may rely on the University of Glasgow to compute the magnetic fields based upon models provided by the contractor. The results of the stress analysis will be the basis for defining the machining and fabrication tolerances for the magnets and support structures.

The drawing models must be produced in 3-dimensional form using a professional CAD program. Layout and detail drawings will be in 2-dimensional form generated from the 3-dimensional models whenever possible. Input files used for stress analysis and field calculations must be delivered in electronic form. Jefferson Lab will provide a numbering scheme to facilitate their inclusion into the Hall-D design database. Further details concerning interfacing with Jefferson Lab’s designing scheme will be provided.

This statement of work requires that deliverables be received and approved in three separate stages. In order to ensure that work remains on track, monthly phone conferences between designers and Jefferson Lab personnel / Hall-D collaborators are required. These meetings, together with the review and approval process at the completion of each contract stage, will be coordinated by a Tagger Design Coordinator to be designated by the Hall-D group leader. The work on each stage must not begin until the deliverables from the previous stage have been received and approval granted by the coordinator. The transfer of funds for the ongoing design will follow upon this approval. The envisioned due dates for deliverables are:

  1. 8 weeks from signing of contract for completion of stage 1;
  2. 8 weeks from approval of stage 1 for completion of stage 2;
  3. 14 weeks from approval of stage 2 for completion of stage 3.

Upon delivery the drawings will be reviewed by Jefferson Lab personnel / Hall-D Collaborators and reported to the contractor within less than four weeks. The due date for the completion of stage 2 is not negotiable due to an external DOE review in summer 2008 (22nd - 24th of July).

Stage 1 – Revision of conceptual design drawings

This revision entails the collection and assessment of the drawings produced for the 35% conceptual design [2] in the light of the Hall D tagger specification [1]. Full compliance with the specifications described in reference [1] and the revisions, listed in the addendum, are mandatory for the completion of this stage.

The following drawings are subject to this revision. The drawings can either be updated or generated new.

  1. Top level drawings of the complete tagging spectrometer system including quadrupole, two dipole magnets, vacuum system and strongback support.
  2. Vertical section through a dipole showing how the pole shoes and yoke parts fit together.
  3. Top view of a dipole showing the numbers, sizes and locations of the bolts required to hold the structure together.
  4. Individual drawings of the pole shoes, top and bottom yokes, and back yoke, showing details of bolt locations and tolerances on all dimensions. Particular attention should be given to the tolerances on the relative alignment of the two dipoles and the vacuum-sealing lips on the vacuum chamber that mate to the pole shoes.
  5. Individual drawings of the pole shoes showing the placement of the vacuum tensioning brackets and the coil support brackets.
  6. Layout of the vacuum chamber showing how the top and bottom surfaces, the back wall and output flange are welded together. The input port, the photon beam exit pipe, and the main electron beam output ports shall be shown in their revised configuration.
  7. Detail drawings of the focal plane face and thin window
  8. Individual drawings of the top and bottom lids, and the back-wall of the vacuum chamber showing where the fixing holes for taking the vacuum tensioning brackets are located.
  9. Top and side view drawings of the quadrupole magnet and its table support.
  10. Top and side view drawings of the strongback support for the dipole magnets.
  11. Drawings showing progressive stages of assembly and disassembly of the dipole magnets and vacuum chamber system, including temporary features which maintain the required alignment during this sequence.

Jefferson Lab will provide the following information:

  1. conceptual design drawings (for the 35% level) provided by IHEP [2],
  2. interface drawing D00000-19-00-30001 specifying the following details
    1. Hall-D tagger building
    2. electron beam entry and exit ports
    3. photon beamline exit port
    4. Hodoscope attachment points
  3. Tagger specification document # D00000-19-00-S002
  4. JLAB drawing specification document # D00000-19-00-S001

Stage 2 – Engineering design at the 65% level

The engineering design of the dipole magnets shall be performed including FEA of the energized magnet. Special care has to be taken for the pole shoe design, the attachment of the vacuum box, and torques on bolts such they are not overloaded. The design drawings for the dipole magnets shall assume that the upper and lower magnet yokes consist of one single piece of iron each.

The engineering design of the vacuum box shall be performed including a FEA showing that the rib structure for stiffening the vacuum box is optimized to meet the specified requirements. Special attention should be paid to the degree of compression of the vacuum o-ring to ensure that it does not exceed the specified tolerances at any point during the assembly process or in the final configuration under varying amounts of current in the coils.

The drawings should show the markings on the pole shoes that are used to align them, and the procedure to be employed during assembly to transfer their coordinates to external references that enable the spectrometer to be properly positioned within the site-wide coordinate system in the tagger hall.

The engineering design of the quadrupole and strongback support structure shall be performed. The engineering design includes as well the table support for the quadrupole. A stress analysis must be performed to confirm that the strongback design is sufficiently rigid to maintain the required alignment of the magnets and vacuum chamber.

All drawings listed in previous section (Stage 1) shall be revised and supplemented to comply with alignment requirements and the results of the force calculations performed in this stage.

Stage 3 – Complete detailed engineering design

The complete engineering design of the Hall D tagger magnet and vacuum chamber system shall be performed. The design drawings from this stage must be sufficiently detailed and accurate that a firm other than the design contractor could manufacture the system from these drawings with no further documentation. The design contractor has to provide layout drawings of all individual pieces to be manufactured.


[1] Hall_D_Tagger_Spec_v4.doc (gluex document 821) GlueX_tagger_specification

[2] IHEP AutoCAD drawings 35%_drawing_by_IHEP_provided_in_April/May_2007

Addendum: Revisions to the IHEP drawings [2]

The following items were discussed upon review of the conceptual design drawings by IHEP and have to be corrected in the revision process (stage 1):

  1. The nominal height of the electron beam above the floor is 1.8m.
  2. Top and bottom magnet yokes consist of a single piece of iron each.
  3. The electron beam entry flange has to be positioned correctly.
  4. The electron beam exit has to be moved 0.45m downstream. To this end, the vacuum chamber has to be extended by this length.
  5. The electron beam exit flange has to be a large rectangular shape of 5cm height and 20cm width expanding towards the focal plane (see interface drawing)
  6. The exit pipe for the photon beam has to follow exactly the direction of the incident electron beampipe. The photon beam pipe is directly connected to the vacuum chamber (no window).
  7. The gap between vacuum chamber and pole shoes has to be sufficiently large to ensure the proper placement and contraction of the sealing o-ring.
  8. The pole shoes should have rounded edges.