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[[Image:run_31710_4951_tfix1000_res2mmplus.png|thumb|450px|49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=126]]
[[Image:run_31710_4951_tfix1000_res2mmplus.png|thumb|450px|49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=126]]
[[Image:run_31710_4852_tfix1000_res2mmplus.png|thumb|450px|48/52 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=143]]
[[Image:run_31710_4852_tfix1000_res2mmplus.png|thumb|450px|48/52 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=133]]

Revision as of 10:46, 5 September 2011

  • Work in progress - intended more as a logbook than presentation of results*

CDC prototype cosmics data

  • 50/50 mixed Ar, CO2
  • Recalibrated MFCs
  • Outer plenum added to CDC prototype to prevent leaks
  • New pre-production HVB
  • 2050V
  • Modified preamp4 (terminating resistors removed)
  • Prototype tilted at 30o to enclosing scintillators (scints trigger the daq)

Fed scintillator signals post-discriminator and coincidence signal through then level converter to ECL, then attenuator, into fADC. Took threshold as half peak value (also tried 1/4 and 3/4 peak but these broadened the timing spectra). Used interpolation algo. (The DAQ is triggered by the coinc signal.) The time offset in the first set is equal to the (uninterpolated threshold crossing bin - 10) x 8 ns.

Interpolated signals for many events, ADC value vs time, time in ns after an offset
Histogram of threshold crossing time
Scintillator threshold crossing time
Histogram of threshold crossing time - coincidence time for scintillators and 2D plot

Drift time histogram (for all straws) and expanded about t0

Drift times
Drift times

T0 was taken as the x-intercept of a straight line fitted to the leading edge over 10% to 90% of the maximum value. Here this value is 91.3ns.

Drift time vs fitted drift distance using Garfield calculations for 50/50 Ar/CO2 (left) and 49/51 (right).

50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix

Resolution (difference between fitted track radius including and excluding that hit from the fit) for ch 20 (straw close to center of prototype)

50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix

Resolution for various time increment (offset) dt added to fitted t0, ie t0 = 91.3 + dt, ignoring events before t0

50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix z-min=159
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix z-min=151
48/52 Ar/CO2 gas mix z-min=158
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 1mm z-min=149
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 1mm z-min=140
48/52 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 1mm z-min=147
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=134
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=126
48/52 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm z-min=133
      • Replace these plots, this code had some trigger-moving software which is not needed***

Use dt=9ns for 50/50 mix

50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution dt=9ns
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution dt=10ns
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution vs drift time dt=9ns
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution vs drift time dt=10ns
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution vs fitted drift distance dt=9ns
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution vs fitted drift distance dt=10ns

Re-assign events with time < t0 to a range of early times >= t0

      • Replace these plots, this code had some trigger-moving software which is not needed***
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution, early events reassigned to fixed drift time
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution, early events reassigned to fixed drift time
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 1mm, early events reassigned to fixed drift time
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 1mm, early events reassigned to fixed drift time
50/50 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm, early events reassigned to fixed drift time
49/51 Ar/CO2 gas mix Resolution for fitted track radius > 2mm, early events reassigned to fixed drift time