Analysis Plan
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(Redirected from 2021 Analysis Plan)
Calibration Tasks
- Tagger (Tyler)
- PS and flux (Sasha)
- PS/PSC calibration for 2021 runs
- PS acceptance determination
- Flux for 2021
- FCAL (Igal)
- CCAL (Drew)
Timing offsets- Timewalk calibration
- Gain calibration
- Nonlinear energy correction
- Check calibration (calibrate) of TOF/BCAL/ST
General Analysis Tasks
- Alignment of detectors/beam. (Drew, 1 week)
- Compton on inner part of FCAL to align FCAL with beam.
- Use single-arm Compton scattering to align CCAL with beam.
- Determine angular resolution of two-photon pairs. (Tyler)
- Study how the resolution changes with energy and scattering angle
- Can use pi0s at larger angles and extrapolate to forward-angles
- Matching of detector response in Data/Simulation (Igal)
Compton Analysis (Drew)
- Perform simulations for 2021 data set.
- Simulate both Compton (signal) and Pair production (background) in hdgeant4
- May need separate simulations for each run period to account changes in run conditions.
- Determine optimal cut widths for each cut parameter (deltaE, deltaPhi, etc.)
- Measure cross section for small run periods
- Systematics study
- Can potentially use Compton process to study systematics related to the BCAL and TOF vetos.