Analysis Plan

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Calibration Tasks

  1. Tagger (Tyler)
  2. PS and flux (Sasha)
    • PS/PSC calibration for 2021 runs
    • PS acceptance determination
    • Flux for 2021
  3. FCAL (Igal)
  4. CCAL (Drew)
    • Timing offsets
    • Timewalk calibration
    • Gain calibration
    • Nonlinear energy correction
  5. Check calibration (calibrate) of TOF/BCAL/ST

General Analysis Tasks

  1. Alignment of detectors/beam. (Drew, 1 week)
    • Compton on inner part of FCAL to align FCAL with beam.
    • Use single-arm Compton scattering to align CCAL with beam.
  2. Determine angular resolution of two-photon pairs. (Tyler)
    • Study how the resolution changes with energy and scattering angle
    • Can use pi0s at larger angles and extrapolate to forward-angles
  3. Matching of detector response in Data/Simulation (Igal)

Compton Analysis (Drew)

  1. Perform simulations for 2021 data set.
    • Simulate both Compton (signal) and Pair production (background) in hdgeant4
    • May need separate simulations for each run period to account changes in run conditions.
  2. Determine optimal cut widths for each cut parameter (deltaE, deltaPhi, etc.)
  3. Measure cross section for small run periods
  4. Systematics study
    • Can potentially use Compton process to study systematics related to the BCAL and TOF vetos.