Primakoff photoproduction of pi0 off Helium4

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Input cross-section

The input cross-section used can be found here: /work/halld/home/ijaegle/he4_pi0_primakoff/PRIMEX-D_pi0_he4-corrected-10112021-notree.root

  1. all: Primakoff+Coherent+Interference+Incoherent
  2. tot: Primakoff+Coherent+Interference
  3. prim: Primakoff
  4. coh: Coherent
  5. interp: positive component of the interference
  6. intern: negative component of the interference
  7. inc: incoherent quasi-free proton & neutron not distinguish
  8. inc_p: incoherent or quasi-free proton
  9. inc_n: incoherent or quasi-free neutron

Version 1

Can be found here: /lustre19/expphy/cache/halld/gluex_simulations/PRIMEX/primex_eta_he4-slurm-production-pi0


Version 2

Can be found here: /work/halld/home/gxproj2/gluex_simulations/PrimEx-pi0-good-test-24012022

Simulation for:

  1. 3 runs
  2. From 3GeV to endpoint energy
  3. All components and combined
  4. Note: interference = N_{interp}^{yield}-N_{intern}^{yield}

WRONG \pi^0 mass set (\pi^\pm used) => OBSOLETE

Version 3

Can be found here: /work/halld/home/gxproj2/gluex_simulations/PrimEx-pi0-good-test-27012022

Simulation for:

  1. 3 runs
  2. From 3GeV to endpoint energy
  3. All components and combined
  4. Note: interference = N_{interp}^{yield}-N_{intern}^{yield}