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FSRoot is an alternative to DSelectors that uses flat trees.

There are two steps:

(1) Use FlattenForFSRoot (hd_utilities/FlattenForFSRoot/flatten) to generate flat trees from the standard analysis trees.

> flatten -in [name of an input ROOT file containing an analysis tree] -out [name of the output file containing the new flat tree]

Run flatten with no flags to see further run options. This should work for data, reconstructed MC, and thrown MC.

See the FlattenForFSRoot/Documentation directory for more information.

(2) Use FSRoot (available at https://github.com/remitche66/FSRoot) to make histograms from the flat trees.

See the FSRoot/Documentation directory for documentation.

Here is a working example:

(1) Flatten an analysis tree:

> flatten -in /u/home/remitche/FSRootExample/analysis.root -out flat.root

(2) Make a plot of the eta' mass:

root> FSHistogram::getTH1F("flat.root","ntFSGlueX_100_221","MASS(2,3,4,5,6)","(80,0.8,1.2)","")->Draw()