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  1. Call meeting to order (Chair: R. Jones)
  2. Project progress/timetables (Eugene)
  3. Progress in MOUs, contracts and procurement (Elton/Curtis)
  4. Progress on TDR (Curtis)
  5. Physics working group coordinator (Ryan)
  6. Status of various PID detector options (Curtis)
  7. Plan for upgrade proposals (PID, FCal)
  8. New prospective university groups (Curtis)
  9. Membership updates (Matt)
  10. Conference presence
  11. Elections
    • CB members with terms expiring 12/2012: R. Jones, W. Brooks, R. Mitchell
    • CB members ineligible for re-election in 2013: R. Jones, W. Brooks
    • CB members with terms continuing in 2013: A. Somov, L. Gan, G Lolos
  12. Any other business
  13. Adjourn