% Any number of blank spaces (no tabs or returns) % can be used between input values in an input line. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start Input Values %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % beamp.x beamp.y beamp.z beamMass 0 0 9.0 0 % targetp.x targetp.y targetp.z targetMass 0 0 0 0.938 % t-channelSlope 1.5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Reaction is: % P gammma -> p X(2000) % | % Omega Pi+ Pi- % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % number of particles needed to describe the isobar decay of P 6 % % particle# 0&1 are always the X&Y %part# chld1# chld2# parent# Id nchild mass width charge flag % Proton in final state 0 * * * 14 0 0.938 0.0 +1 11 % Unknown particle 1 2 3 * 0 2 2.000 0.100 0 00 % Omega in final state 2 * * 1 33 0 0.782 0.008 0 11 % Fake resonance decays to Pi+ Pi- 3 4 5 1 0 2 1.000 0.500 0 00 % Pi+ detected in final state 4 * * 3 8 0 0.140 0.0 +1 11 % Pi- in final state 5 * * 3 9 0 0.140 0.0 -1 11 !EOI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Input Values %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % for narrow widths particles(stable to strong interactions) % set width to zero (i.e. eta, pi's). % %flag 00 =isobar or resonace %flag 01 = production particle that decays i.e. eta, pizero .. %flag 11 = production particle that does not decay i.e. piplus,... %flag 10 = final state particle not in production i.e. gamma % % % Particle Id information defined in particleType.h