void timewalk(void) { gROOT->Reset(); // Get pointer to bcal TTree TTree *bcal = (TTree*)gROOT->FindObject("bcal"); char tn8_corr[256]; FitTimeWalk(bcal, "n8", "n7", 2000.0, 600.0, tn8_corr); char tn7_corr[256]; FitTimeWalk(bcal, "n7", "n8", 1500.0, 1000.0, tn7_corr); char ts8_corr[256]; FitTimeWalk(bcal, "s8", "n7", 1800.0, 600.0, ts8_corr); char ts7_corr[256]; FitTimeWalk(bcal, "s7", "n8", 1500.0, 1000.0, ts7_corr); cout<Reset(); // Create canvas with 2 pads, top for no timewalk correction, bottom corrected TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",800,800); c1->Divide(1,2); // Make histogram to hold amplitude vs. time plot. TH2F *a_vs_t = new TH2F("a_vs_t", "#Deltat vs. ADC", 400, 0.0, chan_max, 100, -10.0, 10.0); a_vs_t->SetStats(0); char lab[256]; sprintf(lab, "ADC %s", chan); a_vs_t->SetXTitle(lab); sprintf(lab, "t%s - t%s (ns)", chan, ref); a_vs_t->SetYTitle(lab); // Define timewalk function TF1 *tw = new TF1("tw","[0]*exp([1]*x)+[2]+[3]*x"); tw->SetParName(0, "Expo. Amplitude"); tw->SetParName(1, "Expo. Slope"); tw->SetParName(2, "Constant"); tw->SetParName(3, "Linear Slope"); tw->SetLineColor(kBlue); // Here, we project the time difference between the channel // we are correcting ("chan") and a reference channel ("ref") // onto the a_vs_t histogram we made above. // The reference channel is cut to have a large ADC value // (using "ref_cut") so that it's timewalk is small and // does not contribute much to the shape. char str[256], cut[256]; sprintf(str, "t%s-t%s:%s", chan, ref, chan); sprintf(cut, "Nphotons==1 && %s>%f", ref, ref_cut); bcal->Project("a_vs_t", str, cut, "", 10000000); // Fit slices of the 2-D histo with gaussians for each // bin in the x-axis (ADC-axis). The parameters are placed // in 1-D histograms. The one of most interest is a_vs_t_1 // which holds the means of the gaussians as a function of // ADC value. Fit this with the timewalk function defined above. a_vs_t->FitSlicesY(); TH1D *a_vs_t_1 = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("a_vs_t_1"); a_vs_t_1->Fit("tw","0","", 50.0, chan_max); // Draw the uncorrected data that is in the 2-D histo. a_vs_t // and overlay the fitted timewalk function. c1->cd(1); c1->GetPad(1)->SetTickx(); c1->GetPad(1)->SetTicky(); a_vs_t->Draw(); tw->Draw("same"); // Make a pretty label of the timewalk correction function double par[4]; tw->GetParameters(par); sprintf(str,"tw_{%s} = %f*e^{%f*%s} + %f + (%f*%s)", chan , par[0], par[1], chan, par[2], par[3], chan); TLatex *l = new TLatex(0.1*chan_max, 8.0, str); l->SetTextSize(0.055); l->Draw(); c1->Update(); // Use the parameters from the fit to build // an expression for the time difference that includes // the timewalk correction for "chan" // t_corr = (tn8 - (p0*exp(p1*n8) + p2 + p3*n8)) sprintf(t_corr,"(t%s-(%f*exp(%f*%s)+%f+(%f*%s)))", chan, par[0], par[1], chan, par[2], par[3], chan); // str = t_corr-tn7:n8 sprintf(str, "%s-t%s:%s>>a_vs_t_corr",t_corr, ref, chan); // cut = Nphotons==1 && n7>600 && abs(t_corr-tn7)<10 sprintf(cut, "Nphotons==1 && %s>%f && abs(%s-t%s)<10", ref, ref_cut, t_corr, ref); TH2F *a_vs_t_corr = new TH2F("a_vs_t_corr", "#Deltat vs. ADC with timewalk correction", 400, 0.0, chan_max, 100, -10.0, 10.0); a_vs_t_corr->SetStats(0); sprintf(lab, "ADC %s", chan); a_vs_t_corr->SetXTitle(lab); sprintf(lab, "t%s_{tw corrected} - t%s (ns)", chan, ref); a_vs_t_corr->SetYTitle(lab); // Draw the corrected data in a_vs_t_corr in the bottom pad c1->cd(2); c1->GetPad(2)->SetTickx(); c1->GetPad(2)->SetTicky(); bcal->Draw(str, cut); c1->Update(); sprintf(str, "bcal_timewalk_%s.gif", chan); c1->SaveAs(str); }