Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal. removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/' removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion1/' removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion1/simlog' removed directory: `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion1' removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion2/' removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion2/simlog' removed directory: `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion2' removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion3/' removed `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion3/simlog' removed directory: `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29/pion3' removed directory: `/volatile/halld/home/gluex/single_track/2013-01-29' Generating pion events... Creating file #1 for pion events.. Creating file #2 for pion events.. Creating file #3 for pion events.. Launched hdgeant jobs... ***** Normal exit from Hall D GEANT ***** Smearing file #2... ========================================================================== W W A RRRRR NN N IIIIIII NN N GGGGGG W W A A R R N N N I N N N G W W A A R R N N N I N N N G W W W AAAAAAA RRRRR N N N I N N N G GGGGG W W W W A A R R N NN I N NN G G W W A A R R N N IIIIIII N N GGGGG ========================================================================== Warning! You are using a deprecated version of the BCAL simulation! The reconstruction code has not yet been updated to handle the newer scheme so it is not yet the default. HOWEVER! The results you get for the BCAL may not accurately reflect what the detector is capable of. INTERPRET YOUR RESULTS WITH CAUTION!! More importantly, bug the calorimetry group to FIX THIS ISSUE!!! ========================================================================== ***** Normal exit from Hall D GEANT ***** ***** Normal exit from Hall D GEANT ***** Smearing file #3... ========================================================================== W W A RRRRR NN N IIIIIII NN N GGGGGG W W A A R R N N N I N N N G W W A A R R N N N I N N N G W W W AAAAAAA RRRRR N N N I N N N G GGGGG W W W W A A R R N NN I N NN G G W W A A R R N N IIIIIII N N GGGGG ========================================================================== Warning! You are using a deprecated version of the BCAL simulation! The reconstruction code has not yet been updated to handle the newer scheme so it is not yet the default. HOWEVER! The results you get for the BCAL may not accurately reflect what the detector is capable of. INTERPRET YOUR RESULTS WITH CAUTION!! More importantly, bug the calorimetry group to FIX THIS ISSUE!!! ========================================================================== JANA ERROR>> Thread 0 hasn't responded in 30 seconds. (run:event=1:149960) Cancelling ... JANA ERROR>>Caught HUP signal for thread 0x415a7940 thread exiting... JANA ERROR>>Last thread to lock output file mutex: 0x415a7940 JANA ERROR>>Attempting to unlock mutex to avoid deadlock. JANA ERROR>>However, the output file is likely corrupt at JANA ERROR>>this point and the process should be restarted ... JANA ERROR>> Launching new thread ...