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TASK | Primary Contact | Secondary Contact | PERIOD (days) | NEXT MAINTENANCE | LAST MAINTENANCE |
Hall D LCW Filter | | | 350 | 08/15/25 | 08/30/24 |
NOTE: A WATER SAMPLE MUST BE GIVEN TO RADCON PRIOR TO DRAINING THIS SYSTEM. Replacement Filter Bag- 5 microns 1- Open by-pass valve for Filter System. 2- Close Inlet valve to Filter Housing. 3- Close Outlet valve at Filter Housing. 4- Open Drain valve at bottom of housing. 5-When Gauge shows no pressure,open Bleeder valve at top of the Housing,(by Gauge). 6- Drain Housing for 60sec. 7- Close Drain valve. 8- Loosen Hold Down Lugs in a criss/cross pattern,(to avoid warping Housing Cover). 9- Once all Lugs are loose, unlatch cover and raise using Factory installed crank. Swing Cover to the South side of Housing, 10-Unsrew Retaining wing nuts of the Two Positioning Plates and remove old Filter Bags. 11- Install new Filter bags and make sure they are fully seated. 12- Re-install Positioning Plates and wing nuts. 13- Carefully remove O-ring and clean Grove and O-ring. 14- Wipe bottom sealing side of cover and position into place. 15- Lower Cover into correct position to align with Clamps/Lugs. DO NOT SLIDE COVER! 16- Using a criss/cross pattern tighten Lugs down evenly. 17- Slightly crack the Inlet valve to allow the Filter Housing to fill with LCW. 18-After air has vented from Housing, close Bleeder valve. 19- Open Outlet valve. 20- Close By-pass valve. 21- Check for leaks around O-ring ***Order new O Rings from Shelco P/N – 8017-B 4FOSC series gasket Your cost - $24.55 ea. Approx. 3-5 working day lead time*** |