Request:     /Material/material_map00_target:90207:default:2021-11-21_15-02-20

Constants information:

Table [/Material/material_map00_target]
Variation default
Created 2021-11-21 15:02:20
Run range 90207 - inf.
Author staylor
Exact id /Material/material_map00_target:90207:default:2021-11-21_15-02-20
[Download text data]


Material map generated with src/programs/Utilities/mkMaterialMap
generated: Sun Nov 21 07:47:32 2021

Generated with the following parameters:
Nr = 2
Nz = 2
rmin = 0
rmax = 0.78
zmin = 50
zmax = 80

sampling points per cell:
n_r = 50
n_z = 50
n_phi = 100

r z A Z density radlen rhoZ_overA rhoZ_overA_logI chi2c_factor chi2a_factor chi2a_corr
% 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10


00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
0.195 57.5 2.2903 1.14026 0.1623 710.085 0.0807465 -1.43553 0.0253831 2.14577e-05 0.000315148
0.195 72.5 2.01 1 0.169 682.466 0.0840796 -1.49484 0.026401 2.007e-05 0.000177859
0.585 57.5 2.46747 1.229 0.171283 592.662 0.0852558 -1.50646 0.0320571 2.22988e-05 0.000417536
0.585 72.5 2.23215 1.11122 0.171994 618.036 0.0855944 -1.51595 0.0301914 2.11472e-05 0.000296477