#gluex IRC Log


IRC Log for 2008-04-11

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[8:32] [freenode-connect VERSION]
[8:32] * GlueXLogBot (n=PircBot@g821.jlab.org) has joined #gluex
[8:32] -ChanServ- [#gluex] Discussion for the GlueX Experiment at Jefferson Lab. This channel is logged. Logs can be found at http://halldweb1.jlab.org/logbot/ .
[14:23] * marki3 (n=marki@ Quit ("Leaving.")
[16:19] * marki3 (n=marki@ has joined #gluex
[17:33] * marki3 (n=marki@ Quit ("Leaving.")

These logs were automatically created by GlueXLogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.